Google Form Submission Values are Undefined -

I am trying to capture some values ​​from a form submission in the function and I am doing some processing. So far, I am just having trouble occupying prices.

I have a very simple form with a field. To draw the values, I have the following code and put them on the log

  function myFunction (e) {var val1 = e.values; Logger.log (VAL1); }  

I have set the appropriate triggers, such that whenever I submit the form, the script continues, however, I always end up undefining logging.

[14-10-27 21:58 58: 16: 451 ADT] Undefined

I did this before, so I am thinking that I do not have any steps or if Something is wrong with my setup


You need a function:

  submit forms on the launcher (E)  
