Django suit unable to detect template override -

I'm overriding a template file in the Django-suite. Unfortunately this file has not been detected and overridden. According to them:

Alternatively, you can copy base_site.html to any template directory, which is defined in the template's DIRS setting (if any). By default, each registered application is displayed in template / dir.

I have copied the file base_site.html to an existing app / template / admin directory but it has not been detected.

What can be wrong in my situation?

Ensure that your app is above the suite in the settings file INSTALLED_APPS.

A really important step to know is how the template loaders work, it checks the folders in the order of the application in the INSTALLED_APPS setting, if they already get a template in the folder, then they will use that template. This is the reason that the admin should also be on top of the app because this administrator overrides the template.
