css - How to design a webpage to be print friendly? -

What are the correct sizes for printing on A4 size paper for web pages? Should other goods be considered?

* Inline CSS is preferred in this situation

Explanation: This web page is to be printed only, as it is a receipt.

Explanation # 2: This web page is for internal use of the company for which I am working. They want to find it professionally prepared receipt.

Explanation # 3: This web page should be printed on page A4 only.


I recommend using two different style sheets.

To view in the browser, you can set the table width in width of A4 paper: 21cm (minus margin 18cm.)

To print the table size, select " 100% ", which means that the printer fills the full width of the page, the browser's settings . (Those pages are marginalized that make it impossible for you to create printouts equally.)

Maybe working

Feel adequately to secure the table This page is in margin. Then set that table up.

The solution to the correct layout

There is no way you can get HTML & amp; CSS, this is not ready for permission of the right layout!

Make PDFs online and allow users to download them. Most browsers are able to render PDFs.
