c# - How to get the next word in a string? -

I feel a fool to ask a reasonable question tight but my life For I can not understand it.

  String Marstring = "10/27/14 The Nostroasting Do not Let This Sting";  

Assume that the second string is unknown (as can be any word in it).

Sorry, this is probably a strange question.

  var lastLine = line.Substring (idx + "date:". Length + 1, 14); Var lastChar = The last line. Shuttle (last. Length-1, 1); Header name = the last line. Shuttle (last linelist index of (last face), +1);  

If you do, some code for some of my references.

You want String.Split () .

  string [] delimiters = new string [] {""}; String [] word = myString.Split (delimiter, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);  
