What is the difference between a site account (PMPS, FMPA)? "M.P.TP": {"Type ID": 5, "TypeName": "Multi_LVL"}, "MFXWevers": "PMPS",
But you should not be worried about the coverage, instead should focus on the MFA type to type which type of MFA supports the financial institution.
This is possible value and it means -
SECURITY_QUESTION - This means that the security of the FI site is in question and answer as MFA.
IMAGE - means the user asks the user to enter the value from the image captcha to the FI site. TOKEN_ID - This means the FI site asks the user to enter OTP (one time password) either to receive email or message or to generate code There is an RSA token for
MUTLI_LEVEL - This MFA is a combination of any two of the above MFA types.
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