excel - Identify Rows with Same Values in 2 Different Columns -

I have data set of approximately 405,000 rows and 23 columns. I need records where the value in column "D" is same The row column is similar to the value of "H". I

  ABCDEFG 13 8 21 OK3S - 51 922 NO 3A 24 24 23 233 S * We 24 4 24 We 3 s ! Ok 24925 3s @ we get 75 2 26 ok 3s 9 fine  

etc ...

I use the second row, 6 lines, etc ... < / P>

  ABCDEFG 51 7 22No 3AQ 75 2 26 OK3S9 OK  

Based on other posts: I used to use a pivot table Tried, but it complains that I can not keep my two columns in the "Columns" area because there is too much data, with both columns in the "rows" field, They meet, but I can not find any way to filter them only where D = H

I have also seen Countifs (), in vlookup and index / match functions, but I can not understand this. help please.

I will make a simple "IF ()" formula in a new column.

Add a new column for your example and use the following formula in the first data row (I2):

  = IF (D2 = H2, "Yes "," No ")  

Fill in the end of the data.

Then you can create "yes" by using Excel filter or counting "No" vs "No" data.
