sonar maven plugin: Unable to scan non-existing project -

I am using sonarqube 4.5 with sonar-maven-plugin version 2.4. When I started Maven Sonar: Sonar, I get the following error Unable to scan the name of the project "non-existing" . I used Sonarqube 4.2 before and I do not remember that there is a problem with this kind of problem. In my settings for Maven, in xml, I have the following profile


This user has the following global permissions; Perform execution execution, preview analysis and provisioning projects. The provision of 'provisioning projects' permits that before the first analysis, the ability to start the project structure. and I think that before the analysis it will allow the plugin to create a project in the sonar server. For Sonarqube version 4.2 I never encountered this problem.

The question is, how can I create a project in the sonar server before running the analysis?

This error occurs, if your sonar user does not have the right to make new projects in the sonar cube .
