mysql - php- can't print mysqli_result -

I can not resize the results of mysql query PHP code is:

  $ getc = "Choose where credit from the subscriber is credit = ''. $ _ Session ['phone']." '; $ Credits = mysqli_query ($ dbc, $ getc); Echo "You have a credit credit remaining";  

But the following error appears in the above version: Catchable Fatal Error: The class of mysqli_result object file 20. File on file can not be converted to file

What is wrong?

You are just doing a query and to get the result, mysqli_query () returns a mysqli_result and does not have a value of the field

  $ getc = "Choose where to credit = ''. $ _ Session ['phone']." ';; $ Result = mysqli_query ($ dbc, $ getc); $ Line = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ result); Echo "You have left {$ row ['credit']}!";  
