android - Unity facebook API FB.API() -

I ran into a problem I posted on user feed to Unity Facebook SDK and FB. I am using API.

The code I am using is:

  if (FB.IsLoggedIn) {var data = new dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; () {{"Message", "I just scored" + "Score +" in Gnames. Download Now! "}}; FB.API ("/ mi / feed", http, logcolorback, data); } Zero LogBlackBack (FBRSult result) {If (result error! = Tap) {print ("failure with score submission error =" + result error. ToString ()); } Other {print (presented with result "result =" + result. Text. Toastring ()); }}  

And the results I am getting:

  failed with the score submission error = https: // graph. Facebook .com / me / feed  

I searched the net and found that maybe something to do with it


Permission but I am using this permission.

Then I went to see the app on Facebook developers and went into position and review. The accepted permissions are:

  email, public_profile and user-friend  

I then tried to add

  publish_actions < / Code> 

permission but this error shows that I'm missing the icon, long description and privacy policy URL.

It wants to submit an app for review. Am I doing everything right? Do I need to upload an Android apk for them?

Can anyone guide me? Thanks /

First / me / feeds for publication_permissions from login (You will see a message "This app wants to post on your behalf ...")

He said:

  • Graph API for posting a message Using the User's Feed If the user has not explicitly clicked a button which indicates that he wants to do this, it is called 'underlying share' and it is discouraged.
  • Using a message created in the code instead of the user type is known as "pre-fill" in its own message and is not allowed by the Facebook policies.
  • If you use Facebook communication instead of graph API, you do not need publ_actions.
