python - can't install or-tools on mac 10.10 -

I'm trying to install Google's end-tools on Mac 10.10 - I am using python2 7 install --user (without attempting to sudo) but to download the package when it goes to pipe, get the following:

 . some other output .. installed / users / Zach / Laybri / Python 2/7 / lib / python / site-packages / ortools_examples-1.3549-py2.7.egg ortools resource dependence example == 1.3549 https Reading ortools for No local packages or download links have been found for the ortools error: suitable distribution for Requirement.parse ('ortools') Could not find  

I've seen that it makes all directories to build build / bdist.macosx-10.8-x86_64 / egg , but I'm going Macoks 10:10 When I see, I can see a matching egg file for version 3549 but could this problem be for MacX 10.9? Why think I'm at 10.8?

However, this problem can not be there, so any other help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Pre-resolution ( easy_install and Egg file)

I have the problem of setting up by installing eggs directly by using easy-install or by installing the tool temporarily Form I resolve file (I have installed with easy-to-install MacPorts). Here's how I install it.

  pseudo Asan_ install-2.7 -intel.egg # md5 = f1f23b375652d40b9fbce682302e8dc8  

or I-know eggs linked to Undo file is used I do: it will give some warning

but I can load Or-tools There is no problem using import ortools in Python.

New Solution ( pip )

Now I use ortools by pip I can install . However, the default protobuf is version 2.6.0, so I have to uninstall the new proto version that works with ortools (for example, we will do 3.0.0b4 ).

Is not compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2 3.5
