excel - COUNTIFS formula to count unique records where range contains dates within specified year criteria -


I try to create a COUNTIFS formula that has been Googling for hours:

  1. One year in a referenced cell
  2. = COUNTIFS ( Dte_degr_conferred2, "& lt; =" & year ('student success and progress' $ g $ 1) 4!) Not correct but this is and I tried

    several forms Please note: Date, 'Student Success and Progress' in the dte_degr_conferred2 column contains 4-digit year

    Many thanks

Maybe you mean this array formula ** :

  = SUM (IF (dt_degr_conferred2 <> "", IF (year (dte_degr_conferred2) = 'Student Success and Progress' G1, dte_degr_conferred2), Dte_degr_conferred2), 1))  


** Array form ulas is not recorded in the same way as the 'standard' formulas. Just pressing the enter key, you press CTRL and SHIFT for the first time, and then just press ENTER if you have done it correctly, you will notice curly bracket {} around the formula of Excel (although manually it will Do not try to enter).
