WebStorm - Suppress unused param warning JavaScript -

Do anyone know how to suppress unused parameter warnings in the webstream? I tried JSLint, but that does not work

  / * jslint node: true, exception: true * / / * global __dirname: wrong * / "strict experiment"; Var util = require ('../use'), logger = util.getLogger (module.filename),; Var UserHelper = module.exports = function () {}; / ** * Auxiliary object for user mask * / UserHelper.prototype = {doSomething: function (unused Param) {// execute something}}; Instead of  jslint     

jshint > WebStorm 8 and WebStorm 9 Beta works for me:

  / * jshint node: true, unused: wrong * /  

In addition, Make sure that you have JS warning (or JSLIN) enabled in your preferences "warning about unused variables" in JSHint Note: This JSHIT does not distinguish between probe variable and function parameters Unless JSHint unused: Vars is configured with .

You can see the "Parameter" option under the "unused" JSLint configuration screen

