I'm using Highchurch to visualize some information on my mobile app. It's built using Cordoba, Jazzery Mobile and Angels. When I run the app, the chart is not displayed and I get the following error.
TypeError: There is no function on the object. Ya.init (file: /// D: / My% 20Workspace / FireFox & lt; div id = "chart1" config = "chartConfig" class = "ng-different scope"> S / BMITracker_JQM / www / Js / highcharts.js: 190: 496) Object.Ya (on file: ///D:/My%20Workspace/FireFox%OS/BMITracker_JQM/www/js/highcharts.js:15:312) at link.initChart ( File: /// D: / My% 20Workspace / FireFox% OS / BMITracker_JQM /www/js/highcharts-ng.js:228:105) on the link (file: /// D: / My 2020 Works Space / Phirphax = OS / Bmittracker_JQM / www / js / highcharts-ng.js: 238: 9) In file: /// D: / My 2020 Works Space / Firefox / IS / BMITKier_JQM /www/js/angular.min.js: 67 : 494 fc (f) L: /// D: / My% 20 Worksspace / Firefox% OS / BMITracker_JQM/www/js/angular.min.js:68:47) K (on file: ///d: / My% 20Workspace / Firefox / OS / BMITracker_JQM / www / js / angular.min.js: 57: 25 9) on G (File: /// D: / My 2020 Works Space / Firefox) ISI / BMITKier_JQM /www/js/angular.min. Js: 49: 491) on G (file: ///d: / My% 20Workspace / FireFox% OS / BMITracker_JQM / www / js /angular.min.js:50:4) on Kashmir (file: ///d : / My 2020 Workspace / Phirphax% OS / BMITKre_JQ /www/js/angular.min.js: 57: 204) VM1232 Angular .min.js: 98 (Un I function) VM1232 angular.min.js: 98 $ get VM1232 angular.min.js: 73Fc VM1232 angular.min.js: 68K VM1232 angular.min.js: 57g VM1232 angular.min.js: 49g VM1232 angular.min. Js: 50K VM1232 angular.min.js: 57g VM1232 angular.min.js: 49g VM1232 angular.min.js: 50 (anonymous function) VM1232 angular.min.js: 49 (anonymous function) angle VM1232.man.js: Get $ 18. K. $ eval VM1232 angular.min.js: 120 $ get.k. $ VM1232 Apply angular.min.js: 121 (anonymous function) VM1232 angular.min.js: 18e VM1232 angular.min.js: 36d VM1232 angular.min.js: 18hc VM1232 angular.min.js: 18xd VM1232 angular. Min.js: 17 (anonymous function) VM1232 angular.min.js: 239a VM1232 angular.min.js: 15 9c
I do not know what is wrong and where from error Please help please.
& lt; Div id = "progress page" data-role = "page" data-theme = "one" ng controller = "progresscontroller" & gt; .... & lt; Div data-role = "content" data-theme = "A" & gt; & Lt; Highchurch ID = "Chart 1" config = "chartConfig" class = "chart-canvas" & gt; & Lt; / Highchart & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; .... & lt; / Div & gt; AngularJS controller .controller ('progress controller', function ($ radius) {$ scope.chartConfig = { Option: {Chart: {Type: 'Line'}}, Series: [[Data: [10, 15, 12, 8, 7]}], Title: {Text: 'Hello'}, Loading: Wrong };})
. Chart-canvas {width: 100%; Height: 200 pixels; } << Code>
I see these lines in the highcharts- Ng.js
if (module type! == 'undefined' and export type! == 'undefined' & module.exports === export) {Module.exports = 'Highchurch- Ng '; }
You can find it at the top of the file.
and jQuery
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