sharepoint 2013 - MS Access Web App: set filter on sub view based on master view -

My app has a list view (master) in which the sub-view element has the data sheet view in the list view, In order to filter the data in the scene, I would like to use some control like button or combo box. How can I give a parameter to the filter in the sub view from Master View?

T Trust that the scenario you are looking at will be directly accessible in the access web app context. Let me explain.

In Access 2013 web applications, no macro action is available to require or refine specific controls on a view. The same goes on to try to refresh a subview control on one scene. The only way is that you can pass parameters to a different view in the web app context, using the OpenPopup macro operation. In that case the scene will open as a popup, which you do not want here.

So you can not be able to achieve your ultimate goal. One suggestion is that probably work is an unbound text box control on the main parent view. For subview control, use unbound controls as master field (in the property list). Access will try to match records from this unbound control in the field specified in the field as the property of the child area. If you update the unbound text box control on the main view, then the results should be filtered into the Access Sequences. I "think" which will work.
