git - How to Configure Jenkins Gerrit Trigger Plugin to do a premerge -

I am stuck for a few hours now, trying to do my Jenkins verification job Configure:

  • Get specific changes from Gerrit (works)
  • Currently merge / resize
  • Works (works)
  • As you can see, I do not know how to configure GERRIT_REFSPEC and GERRIT_BRANCH To ensure, the original / master branch is always the most recent version, when I configure the trigger plugin according to the document. >

    As our project has many branches, I do not want to employ them all, just to be able to merge the most recent / original master. I tried to refresh something like the original / master: refs / remotes / origin / master, gERRIT_BRANCH but it was not working. In other words, what I would like to do:

    Changes start with, bring changes, bring the most recent master, rebase / merge, and then build. Can this be done by the form of a plugin, or do I have to do some manual GIT Commandline acrobatics?

    The GereteTrag plugin is not intended to merge other branches - you won The script should be used (which you can trigger as a separate Jenkins-job).
