gem - Rails 4.2 & Salesforce API with Restforce returning ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError -

I am trying to write a Rail 4.2.0.beta2 app, which is our cellphone instance

I'm following this really useful entry.

I'm almost there, I got my app setup in the sales force, it seems that the request is shutting down right away, I can go to the login page and enter my information.

Although I'm getting the following error on the callback. Error in ActiveModel :: ForbiddenAttributesSessionsController #: ActiveModel :: ForbiddenAttributesError Enter the code here Extracted Source (around line # 21): def sanitize_for_mass_assignment (attributes) if attributes.respond_to? (Allowed?) & Amp; Amp; ! Attributes.permitted? Extend ActiveModel :: ForbiddenAttributesError else attributes end

I saw in my session controller which is supposed to be a problem ... but I can not know what is happening.

Is there a place where I went wrong here?

  Class session controller & lt; ApplicationController def user = User.from_omniauth (env ["omniauth.auth"]) session [: user_id] = redirect_to root_url destroys terminal df session [: user_id] = nulled redirect_to root_url expiration  < / Pre> 

and resolve in relation to.
