file - Arguements are Valid but Don't Work in C# -

I am creating a function that creates a user-inputed directory and a string to create .txt with a string Uses for Here is my code:

  Private Zero MakeTheTxt (string theTest) {string fileName = @ textbox directory. Text; Try {File.WriteAllLines (Filename, The Test); } Hold (DirectoryNotFoundException e) {MessageBox.Show ("Please enter a valid directory."); }}  

WriteAllLines () function says that the arguments are not valid. I looked at the parameters of this function and one of the overloaded definitions public static zero WriteAllText (string path, string content); . I give the function the right logic type but it is not working. Any suggestions?

all written lines have no overload, which are two string s

You probably want to use (string path, string content) overload . >

  file. Write All Text (Filename, The Test);  
