c# - How can I read method parameter information (names and values) from an attribute class in .NET -
I am creating a cool custom HTTP client clip that is using properties to create dynamic routes is. How to use method parameter values from the properties of the method. Here is an example of a method with my custom attribute: [RestEndpoint ("Appointment / {Appointment IIT}")] GetAppointmentById (integration IID) {// code call for public placement} defined in the attribute of this method in the base class manner Press the end point}
Below is my specialty class. In my attribute class, I want to read the parameters of the method connected to the gate-dynamic and point () method, I am trying to make space and Reggae sugar.
I can not seem to understand how exactly the information of the law has been received, which is linked to a given attribute. I can do the opposite (read the method attribution information). [Attribute_use (attributeTargets.method, Inherited = false, Allow = Multilevel)] Public Sealed Class RestEndpoint: Attribution {Public HttpVerb Verb {Received; Set; } Public string {received; Set; } Public Restpointpoint (string yury) {verb = http webb. Uri = Yuri; } Public Relaxation Point (HTPVRB verb, String Yuri) {verb = verb; Uri = Yuri; } Public string GetDynamicEndpoint () {// Get the method for this attribute and read the parameter "dynamic end point" in order to create the dynamic endpoint based on the parameter values of the method; }}
So from comments and research, what am I trying to do here It is impossible with existing built-in Net Framework capabilities. However, I have consulted Eugene and have passed the parameter in this parameter to create a dynamic path. Something finished this way:
[UseRestEndpoint ("Appointment / {first} / {last}")] Public appointment count GetAppointmentById (string first, last string) {return Send < AppointmentDto & gt; New (first, last)); }
and the specialty call that creates the dynamic path uri in the dynamic object:
public string GetDynamicEndpoint (dynamic parameter) {if (! Uri.Contains ("{"} and Uri. Content ("}"); Back; Var valueDictionary = GetUriParameterValueDictionary (parameter); String NewURI = Uri; Newacha = newUri.Replace (string.format ("{{{0}}}, pair.kA), pair.value); new urai return;} Private dictionary & lt; string, string & gt; GetUriParameterValueDictionary (object parameter) {var propBag = parameters.ToPropertyDictionary (); Return GetUriParameters (). ToDictionary (s = & gt; s = s => propBag [s]) ;} Private IEnumerable & lt; String & gt; GetUriParameters () {Regex regex = New Regex ("" (? & Lt; = {} * w * (? =}) "); Var MatchCalue = Rex.MAT (Uri ); Return (Select match m from Milan match m.Value) .Oolist ();}
It does not have all this implementation code to work, but the concept is finished to work. Thanks to everyone for comments.
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