arrays - Java: make a function return positive integer not negative one -

Because I was coding this project for fun, I got stuck in getting the output that I want: positive Getting the element 2 and -2 of the input

To keep it simple, I want the output to be positive 2 negative negative 2.

The general idea of ​​this is zero The closest element for is happening. But here, I'm assuming that the positive one is closer to 0.

Hope anyone of you can answer my question. Personally, I want to be better on Java so that I can help a newbie like myself, later in the future. Anyway, thanks, in advance

  Fixed int getClosestToZero (int [] array) {int num = array [0]; Int absNum = Math.abs (num); For (int i = 1; i & lt; array.label; ++ i) {int newAbs = Math.abs (array [i]); If (newAbs & lt; absNum) {absNum = newAbs; Num = array [i]; }} Return number; } Public static zero main (string [] args) {int [] myArray = {-2, 2}; Println (getClosestToZero (myArray)); }  

This should work:

  Fixed Int GetClosestToZero (int [] array) {int num = array [0]; Int absNum = Math.abs (num); For (int i = 1; i & lt; array.label; ++ i) {int newAbs = Math.abs (array [i]); If (newAbs & lt; absNum) {absNum = newAbs; Num = array [i]; } Else if (newAbs == absNum & array [i]> = 0) // If it is equal and current is positive, then take it {num = array [i]; }} Return number; }  
