I am trying to call the CfswapInt32HostToBig (& lt; #arg: UInt32 #>) method in a faster file Project has added CoreFoundation Framework and "Import CoreFoundation" is at the top of my Swift file. When I start to type the name of the method, XCode suggests a way to me that Xcode recognizes methods from that framework. I have no errors in Xcode, which means that all my syntax is correct, but when I think I get the following error
> Ld DerivedData / AudioToy / Build / product / Dibg- iphonesimulator / AudioToy.app / AudioToy general x86_64 CD / users / Michaliberman / documents / projects / Swift / AudioToy export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 8.0 export PATH = "/ Application / Xcode.app / Content / Developer / Platform / iPhoneSimulator.platform / Developer / usr / bin: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin: / usr / bin: / bin: / usr / sbin: / Sabin "/applictions/kskdekapp/kantents/devlpr/tulcans/kskodedefaoltkksktolcan/usr/bin/clang -arc Ks86_64 -isisrut /applictions/kskdekapp/kantents/devlpr/pletforms/ifonesimulatorkpletfarm/devlpr/sdks /iPhoneSimulator8.0.sdk L / users / michaliberman / d Tavejh / projects / Swift / AudioToy / DerivedData / AudioToy / Build / product / Dibg- iphonesimulator F / users / Michaliberman / documents / projects / Swift / AudioToy / DerivedData / AudioToy / Construction / Products / Dibg- iphonesimulator -filelist / Users / michaliberman /Documents/Projects/Swift/AudioToy/DerivedData/AudioToy/Build/Intermediates/AudioToy.build/DebUngledium-fhonesimulator/OdyToy.build/General General / x86_64 / AudioToy.LinkFileList -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker @ executable_path / Framework -Xlinker -objc_abi_version -xlinker2l / application / xcode.app / content / developer / toolchains / xcodedefault.xctoolchain / usr / lib / swift / iphonesimulator -Xli Nker -add_ast_path -Xlinker / Users / Michelbarman / Document / Project / Swiss / AudioToy / Derivative Data / Audiauto / Bold / Interimed / AudioToy.Build / Debug - Effonimulator / Audio Toy. Build / Object -normal / x86_64 / AudioToy.swiftmodule -mios -simyuletr version min = 8.0 -framework CoreFoundation -framework AVFoundation -framework AudioToolbox -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker / users / Michaliberman / documents / projects / Swift / AudioToy / DerivedData / AudioToy / Construction / intermediate / AudioToykbuild / Dibg- iphonesimulator / AudioToy.build / Vista Huon General / x86_64 / AudioToy_dependency_info.dat -o / Users / Michaliberman / documents / projects / Swift / AudioToy / DerivedData / AudioToy / Build / product / Debug- Iphonesimulator / AudioToy.app / Odiotoy undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_CASwapFloat32" Referenced from: _CASwapFloat32HostToBig AudioStudio.o "__OSSwapInt32" referenced from: _CfswapInt32HostToBig In AudioStudio.o ld: Icon (s) Architectures x86_64 not found for playing: Error: Exit the Linker command with failed code 1 (using For -V greetings I have removed the structure and re-imported, but I still get an error when I option-click on the method name, it shows me the top file in which the method is declared. And if I click on that header file then I think it is within the framework. I'm not sure what to do when the problem appears within the framework
Asian Use and littleIndian
methods 16 = 16 values BEE16 = valueLE16.bigEndian println ("valueLE16: \ (valueLE16)") / valueLE16: 16 println ("valueBE16 : \ (valueBE16) ") // valueBE16: 1152921504606846976 go valueLE16: int16 = 16 //UnsafePointer<UInt16>(value.bytes)[0] to valueBE16: int16 = valueLE16.bigEndian println (" valueLE16: \ (valueLE16) " ) // valueLE16: 16 println ("valueBE16: \ (ValueBE16)") // valueBE16: 4096
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