The Hi IM is trying to write a simple function using the standard library
The following logic Should take
try = fn: 'a - & gt; 'B list option a_list =' a list
and of course, the following is:
Try all_answers a_list - Enjoy ACC (some ), Some (b)) = some (b @ a). List (FORUM (X, Y) => ACC (Try (X), Y) AOC (_, _) = None ([]) a_list End
And I get the following error:
hw3provided.sml: 70.3-70.60 Error: operator and operation do not agree [Tycoon mismatch] Operator Domain: 'Z List Option Operand:' Y - & gt; Y option in expression: (List Fondal (FN ( gt ;, & lt; pat & gt;) => ACC XP; gt;); some C: \ program files (x 86) \ SMLNJ \ bin. \ Run.x86-win32.exe: Fatal error - Uncaught exception with error raised on 0 ../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:66.19-66.27
ivcom decomposing Trying
I'm completely in disadvantage
Just think of using something else ([]), function and error, if I do nothing, then its Verify the correct
Detected the solution but not really the problem < / P>
Some ([] surrounds with brackets (some ([]))
Just comes to the same issue in someone else
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