r - geom_errorbar disappears when using scale_x_reverse -

After "text" itemprop = "text">

I can construct a simple scatter plot but with X-scale reversal (as it may be a better way of showing that I am trying to do y decreasing with increasing x plot both axes ascending ...

  envsum $ chemo.index & lt works fine; - c. (0.56254404 2.73595615 2.47705543 0.01796475) envsum $ sp_shared & lt; c (66.6 100.0 83.9 62.8) gShareSP & lt; - ggplot (envsum, AES (chemo.index, sp_shared)) gShareSP & lt; gShareSP + geom_point () gShareSP & lt; - GShareSP + geom_errorbarh (xmax = ch.ind + SECH, xmin = ch .ind-SECH) g  

- GShareSP + theme_bw (); ShareShare

I get the line

  gShareSP; - gShareSP + scale_x_reverse ()  

errorbars disappear (from which Except one move, at a random point on the plot)

I did not think that scale_x_reverse should change the status of the error ARS and I can not decide to stop it
