Install4j: can installation executable be removed after install? -

My Install4j configuration is not updating my executable and there is no problem in place of old example.

However, my windows user profile is composing with each instance of the downloaded executable file:

  • install_1.0.0.exe
  • Install_1.0.1.exe
  • install_1. 0.2.exe

If I update the version 1.0.3, then I also install install_exe_1.0.3.exe here.

Is it possible for Install4j to delete this file when the update is complete?

FWIW, this also happens with the Install4j update. My user profile contains the following files:

  • install4j_windows_5_1_10_with_jre.exe
  • install4j_windows_5_1_11_with_jre.exe
  • install4j_windows_5_1_12_with_jre.exe
  • Install4j_windows_5_1_13_with_jre.exe

As install4j 5.x, there is no clean-up mechanism for the downloaded installer, but you can create one yourself

adding logic to remove old installers Location, update Will be in the nakar Every time a new installer is downloaded, you will have to save the download path in constant store, such as the Java Preferences store when the updater starts, you can load those saved paths and delete them.
