I want to develop an app on which a user can register for alert (multiple) so that whenever the rent Some are below the limit, he receives a notification that the rent is brought from a third party website. I want to do this on Google App Engine
Now that I understand, I need to run a process that checks the rent at 30/30 intervals and sends information when the minute and minus the threshold. Maybe the cron job of an app engine could be used for this task? But the maximum of 100 croon jobs can be determined, what will be the better way of this, apart from processing resources for each user, the waste of resources will be better, will the scheduling algorithm be better for high efficiency?
You want to schedule a single cron that runs every 30 minutes and throws an item on the working queue in the job queue Single items will be able to work through all your users and again to bring back whatever you need in the background. Two important things:
- You want to return the initial chron call as soon as possible, because the URL has a 60-second deadline.
- Divide any work into separate work queues to get the above and also iterate through data sources and / or users.
Depending on what you're explaining, you can use push work queues:
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