I am using ReportViewer with my WPF application.
I am trying to trigger a function, my C # code and button will be on report wiv.
I'm wondering how can I trigger drilling?
Zero demo drill tahuient handler (object sender, drillthrough events E) {message box. Show ("Drillthrough work"); } Private Zero Window_loaded (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs E) {try.importViewer.Drillthrough + = New DrillthroughEventHandler (DemoDrillThroughEventHandler); This._reportViewer.Reset (); .... this._reportViewer.LocalReport.Refresh (); This._reportViewer.RefreshReport (); }}
There is sometimes a method that increases the incidence ( OnSomething
, for example, Winforms has Button.PerformClick
). Alternatively, you can put the code in the different handlers with the event handler and call it directly.
The easiest solution to call it
DemoDrillThroughEventHandler (this._reportViewer, new DrillthroughEventArgs ());
Or even (depending on what's happening inside)
Demo drillihuventhandler (empty, null);
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