mvc - MVC 5 and WebApi2 using OWIN OAuth -

I am creating an application that will use MVC 5 for the service of the initial layout, view, script, and then I am

I want to use OWIN OAuth bits for authentication at WebApi.

WebAP remains in a DLL and MVC 5 app web application.

I have provided references for OAuth WebAP bits.

How do I setup WebAp to run in the MVC 5 application and use the OWin startup class?

Or is it not possible?

I will send you VS 2013 I recommend checking web API template (Web API and MVC core dependencies) but checked with individual accounts, I believe that you are missing out on adding those two lines WebApiConfig.cs: < / P>

  config.SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication (); Config.Filters.Add (New HostAuthenticationFilter (OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType));  

You need to press the default authentication (form ath), then add carrier authentication only to the web API.
