visual studio - JQuery Currency Issue (Not firing) -

Can anyone tell me what's the problem with this JQuery? This is not a firing at all .... The name of the test box cast is the name of the text box, I want in the currency format.

  $ ('.txtboxCost'). Blurred (function ($ ('.txtboxcost'). FormatCurrency ();});  

Maybe it's something simple, I just see or I'm going to the wrong direction

Example valid fields: $ 1,234,300.09


  & asp: Text box id = "txtBoxCost" runat = "server" client idmode = "static" & gt; & lt; / asp: text box & gt; $ ('# TxtBoxCost'). Blur (function () {$ (this). FormatCurrency ();});  


  & lt; script src = "// /1.11.2/jquery-ui .min.j S "& gt; & lt; / script & gt; & lt; link rel =" stylesheet "href =" // "/ & gt; / Code>   

This is what you are looking for.


HTML code -

  & lt; input name = "txtBoxCost" type = "text" id = "txtBoxCost" />  

jQuery code-

  $ ('# txtBoxCost'). Blur (function () {$ (this) .formatCurrency ();});            text 'name =' txtBoxCost ' /> Color (function () {$ (this) .formatCurrency  

jQuery code -

  $ ("input [name = 'txtboxCost']") ();});  

  & lt; Input type = 'text' class = 'txtboxCost' / & gt;  

jQuery code -

  $ ('.txtboxcost'). Blur (function () {$ (this) .formatCurrency ();});  

Task Bela -
