I have a problem, where every time I reuse my app, any current session is broken and the request is a ViewExpiredException
. There is no advice from related questions or external mailing list / forum posts to fix this problem. I can completely unify the same war file and its behavior is the same.
I am using Apache MyFaves 2.2.0, Tomcat 7.0.56 and PrimeFace 5.0.
Message exceptions can not be found for a saved view status for the visual identifier:
The page that will be requested will be the primary form for navigation ' MenuBurner
Which is used for & lt; Form & gt;
as these messages are with those navigation options and other AJAXs that use POST.
I have tried:
- Setting clear
Value, as seen. - The value
parameter for bothclients
. - To ensure all the beans and their infected fields are sorted. There are no serialization errors in the log.
- Using a filter to add a no-cache header, e.g. As has been suggested.
- The persistence of the session is not disabled, it is my
Try it with Do:
& lt; Manager ClassName = "org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager" saveOnRestart = "true" />
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