ios - UITableViewCell is not reuse properly? -

I try to reuse UITableViewCell as follows:.
1) Create a subclass by UITableViewCell with xib- file

  @ interface Bessel: Uaitibl Drishykalp @ property (vulnerable, Notatmomic) Aibiotllet Uaielbl * Lebltethl; @end  

2) Add user identification again to IB
image Enter Details Here

3) Add UIViewController with UITableView in

  @interface BaseTableViewController:. UIViewController & LT; UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate & gt; @ Property (weak, non-monomitive) IBotlet UITWview * Tableview; @end  

4) register cell nib in viewDidLoad

  [self.tableView registerNib: [UINib nibWithNibName: @ "BaseCell" bundle: nil] forCellReuseIdentifier: @ "BaseCell"];  

5) and use dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier

  - (UITableViewCell *) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {BaseCell * cell = [TableView decomputer reusable cell identifier: @ "Basel"]; NSAssert (Cell, @ "Registered Cell but Not Created"); Delaag (@ "cell: [% p]", cell); Cell.labelTitle.text = self.showItems [indexPath.row]; Return cell; }  

After that, I think that the room is made only at all times instead of just the first time.
my log:
for example

  [0x7f87c9c84740: 1] - [BaseCell initWithCoder:] BaseCell [0x7f87c9c84740: 1] - [BaseCell awakeFromNib] reuseIdentifier: BaseCell; [0x7f87c9d3d230: 1] - [BaseTableVent Controller Table View: CellForUreAndExpath:] Cell: [0x7f87c9c84740] [0x7f87c9e29560: 1] - [Basel Init WithCoder:] Biscellale [0x7f87c9e29560: 1] - [BASCEL WAUCKOfBnib] Re: User: Basel; [0x7f87c9d3d230: 1] - [BaseTableViewController tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath:] Cell: [0x7f87c9e29560] [0x7f87c9e2d150: 1] - [BaseCell initWithCoder:] BaseCell  

What is wrong? How to re-use the cells properly.
I use the latest encoder (6.0.1)
I have set an example to test it.

stops the screen when scrolling cells when cells again will gain access only appears (Or "unused" for some other reason - such as a reloaded cells call). The cell which disappears is kept in the queue. When a tableview requires a cell, it uses one on the queue instead of creating a new from NIB.
