itemprop = "text">
My app porting from Android to WP8, I read / read using Cordova's API in myDir / MyFile / I am studying Html
Here's my javascript code:
write function onfile system () {window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI ("/", onSuccess, onError); } Success on function (entry) {entry.getDirectory ("myDir", {created, exclusive: wrong}, onGetDirectorySuccess, onGetDirectoryFail); } Error on error (error) {console.log ("error on ..."); } Function onGetDirectorySuccess (dir) {dir.getFile ("myFile.html", {create: true, exclusive: false}, gotFileEntry, unsuccessful); } ... function readFile () {window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL ("//MyDir/myFile.html", gotFSRead, onErrorRead); }
- What is the path to writing in separate collections of my app?
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