In C #, if I define a straight, I can also override toString (). Then when I'm debugging and I add a clock to an example of a straight or resume my mouse, then tooltip will be a calculated towring instead of the straight name.
Can I do that in some way in C ++ and / or C ++ / CLI? That is, can I define a method as part of the structure (or can do anything else) which would be the reason for the watch-value / tooltip to display the string of my choice? The default string rendering in Visual Studio for C / C ++ is the list of field values of all the structures (or small boxes that can be jammed).
My Type All C-Stylus Structures (It was actually written in C. Before I changed the files into CPP and fixed some issues so that I could run it in CLI. ) Here is an example straight:
struct other_dollars_node {struct other_dollars_node * next_other_dollars; Override * override; Long other_dollers_id; TM effective_data; Double amount; }
I have very little experience with C ++ / CLI - most of my experience is with original C / C ++ and C # I am using Visual Studio 2013 .
Update: Since almost all existing codes use basic syntax, and I like the solution which works without refacting it, the CLI aspect can be less important .
I think it is to provide debugger visualization for what you want to do Your original strokes I did a little bit searching on MSDN, and found this page:
Actually, what you need to do is C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 \ Common7 How to add a file in \ Packages \ Debugger \ Visualizers
How to show your strokes in the Visual Studio debugger window There are many examples May include, and the link above provides a good explanation, although I have to admit that I have not tried myself.
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