android - Textview fromHtml bold tag not properly shown -

I'm using HTML for a few words, but it has not been shown properly. Care about my bad english.

  typefase tfArial = Typeface.createFromAsset (getAssets (), "arialtur.otf"); String Yazzi = "Denim" + "& lt; Strong & gt;" + "Bold" + "& lt; / strong> + "Kayıt."; Spanned text 1 = HTML. From HTML (Yazhi); TextView aa = (TextView) findViewById (; TextView ab = (TextView) findViewById (; Aa.setText (text1); Aa.setTypeface (tfArial); Ab.setText ("non aerial font");  


& lt; Strong & gt; The HTML tag is not a "styling" tag. It only indicates that the content is important.

You can get some information on these two links:

If you want to be bold then & lt; Strong> Instead of & lt; B & gt; Try using the text.
