qt5.4 - Building Qt from source on OS X 10.10 -

I try to create a minimal framework using qt-opensource-mac-x64-clang-5.4.0 With -beta.dmg :

  ./configure-citant -nome example -nomak test-platform max-clang  

But the build process fails miserably:

  ../../../ src / 3rdparty / chromium / third_party / webkit / source / platform / mac / scroll animator mac Mm: 891: 26: error: can not 'id & lt; NSFileManagerDelegate & gt; Start a parameter with a value of type 'PtrType' (aka 'Chromium Webcorder Objsi WebScrollBranner Delegate *') [painter set delete: m_verticalScrollbarPainterDelegate.get ()];  

The latest source in GIT also gives this error, even if I delete the bogus module with -skip qtwebkit -skip qtwebkit-examples . How do any ideas work?

This is from QtWebEngine, so try

  -kipwebengine Skip  
