I want to display my video thumbnail immediately after taking the video.
This is my current code on the OnActivityResult method
if (requestCode == 101) {bitmap bmThumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail ("/ storage / emulated / 0 / myvideo.mp4 ", MediaStore.images thumbnails.MICRO_KIND); ViewImage.setImageBitmap (bmThumbnail); }
But this image does not display anything on the scene.
Any workaround for this?
* Update: Fixed
I changed the code to:
if (requestcode == 101) {bitmap BMT-thumbnail = Thumbnail Answer.Scent Videography (f.getAbsolutePath (.) ToString (), MediaStore.Embages.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); ViewImage.setImageBitmap (bmThumbnail); }
Now showing thumbnails and I have a big size, which is acceptable to watch. Thanks for the Sassa
I have retrieved the entire path of the file using only f.GetAbsolutePath:
if (requestcode == 101) {bitmap bmtmbluelan = thumbnail answer Break the tabanal (F.A.T.SSOoluthpath (.) ToString (), MediaStore.images.thumbnail.min_kind); ViewImage.setImageBitmap (bmThumbnail); }
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