java - Eclipse CompilationParticipant is not triggering -

I am trying to develop a plugin that interacts with the Java source code. I announced the extension point org.eclipse.jdt.core.compilation partner.

& lt; Extension point = "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compilationParticipant" & gt; & Lt; Compilationparticipant class = "compilation.IDRCCompilationParticipant" creates Problems = "false" id = "IDRC.IDRCcompilationParticipant" modifiesEnvironment = "false" required source = "1.5" & gt; & Lt; / CompilationParticipant & gt; & Lt; / Extension>

Partners in my Class IDRC sync, I'm trying to print anything when anything changes to source code. Public class IDRCCompilationParticipant CompilationParticipant extends {Public IDRCCompilationParticipant (// TODO Auto-Generated Constructor Stub} @ Override Public Zero BuildFinished (IJavaProject project) {// Anything by default No. System.out.println ("Finish Construction"); } Public Zero Agreement (ReconcileContext Reference) {// Nothing by default. System.out.println ("reconcile"); System.out.println ("The content has changed!"); }}

While testing the plugin, I changed the "content!" I hope to print whenever any change in any source code in any java project, etc. But nothing public is not compromising Zero (ReconcileContext context) What method can a suggestion have to do?

I have an answer from CompilationParticipant to override two more methods

 < Code> About @ToBuild (IJavaProject project) Public Ever Override {READY_FOR_BUILD; } / * (Non-javaadok) * @see org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CompilationParticipant # isActive (org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject) * / @ Override Public Boolean Active (IJavaProject Project) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub returns correct; }  

It works just fine.
