html5 - I need a strongloop example wrote in javascript without angular -

I have a strong example, for now there is no complete work example without angular, I just got the browser in my index.html .bundle. I want to include JS, then sync data from server to / from. Actually, I am trying to change Pouchbab in my program because the success of the Sophadab Open Source community does not seem to be successful.

I can not follow this document properly:

  1. Make browser-app.js with content
  2. Before the content of the browser-app . Copy the JS
  3. Install NPM Loopback Loopback-Boot
  4. Browser Browser-app.js -o app.bundle.js Then I found the error: Error: '/ users / simba Models can not find 'loopback-boot # instructions' from / projects / traveler-app / client / node_modules / lupback-boot <

There are a few steps to this but its very simple.

    Bootstrap your app via SLC loopback .
  1. Remove server / boot / root.js .
  2. Repeat the two lines in server / server.js , should look like this:

      ... // - Mount constant Files - // All static middleware must be registered at the end, as all requests // are passed are killing the IC middleware file system / example: var path = requires ('path'); // This line is no longer an app. Use (loopback static (path.resolve (__dirname, '../client'))); // This row is now uncompressed ...  
  3. Create index.html in the Customer dial (I.e.. Customer / Index ).

You should get a basic set up with the basic foundation working. Let me know that you have more problems.
