github - Android L App Drawer -

I am quite new to Android development, and am trying to design an app. Can anyone tell me How can I add Gitub projects to my app ??

This is a great example of what I am trying to do. Can someone guide me through a step-by-step process, so that I How can I create a functional APK?

I already have a project, which is working with a piece of Google Maps that I am trying to include this type of action bar, can someone help me is?? I am a complete newbie and I appreciate it very much .. thanks!

If your Android utilization studio add build.gradle to you dependent tag on it

  compile 'com.ikimuhendis: ldrawer: 0.1' compile ''  

If your use assumes down the source to a zip As you load and import the Library folder, you create the downloaded file as an Android Library.

If you can post the code I can help you.
