emulation - Using Game Console Emulators in Android Application -

I have asked before but it was seen as a comprehensive question. So I am now asking a more specific question about that topic.

I want to build an Android app with the ability to play Sega Genesis ROM. Obviously this is a Sega Genesis Emulator. What I have seen with the Game Console Amulers in the Android app, on the basis of which I have thought that there is no need to write an emulator from scratch. For example there are emulators for more than 10 game consoles and obviously they have not spent years in writing to +10 emulators from scratch and to distribute them free in just one app.

So I'm guessing Android application has a way to use a previously written game console emulator (included in it) is it right? And if so, how can that be?

I searched a lot and found nothing about it. Perhaps this process is a special name that I do not know and I should search by that name.

This is a very comprehensive question, but I can tell you in the right direction:

Android has used it for basic C ++ development. Find it, know it, like it.

Then you can use a C + + emulator core which is open source and include it in your app, or you can create your own version of an existing emulator and fork. This is your choice. Is for.

For your example (Sega Genesis), you can use and: two combinations will produce an android-compatible product emulator.
