java - using @PreAuthorize in Spring security with roles and rights -

I am using spring protection with user, role, right organizations and the user has been successfully certified and I I can use its authorization archive.

I use AJAX to call watch pages and send Jason between front end and back end. The problem is that I do not know how to configure my spring-safe file because @PreAuthorize annotation does not work. My login page is shown when the app loads and redirects to the login page in case of a bad certificate which is sent from the controller in the JSN format. If you can help me solve the problem, then I would be grateful. // @Secured ("ROLE_RIGHT_READ_USER_LIST") @RequestMapping (value = "/ FindAll", method = RequestMethod.GET, {{" Application / JSN "}) generates @ResponsBody public string searchChoos (HTTP Provincial Request) {

This is my spring-safe file content:

  & Lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Beans: beans xmlns = "" xmlns: beans = "" xmlns: xsi = "http: // www. "xsi: Schema Location =" Http://"> & Lt; Global-law-security pre-post-annotation = "enabled" secure-annotation = "enabled" /> & Lt; Http auto-config = "true" usage-value = "true" & gt; & Lt; Intercept-url pattern = "/ user / findAll /" access = "hirol ('ROLE_RIGHT_READ_USER_LIST')" /> & Lt; / Http & gt; & Lt; Beans: Bean id = "jdbc authentication provider" category = " authentication provider" /> & Lt; Authentication Manager & gt; & Lt; Authentication Provider Ref = "jdbcAuthenticationProvider" /> & Lt; / Authentication-manager & gt; & Lt; / Bean: beans & gt;  

And here's my controller:

  @Controller @RequestMapping ("/ auth") Public SquidhaHandler Abishhandler {@Autowired protected UserService userService; @resources (name = "authentication provider") authentication provider authentication provider; @RequestMapping (value = "/ login", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = {"application / JS"}) @ ResponseBody public string logon (@RequestParam (value = "username", required = true) string user Name, @ (value = "password", required = true) string password, httprespresave request) {authentication REQ = new username password attestation token (username, password); Authentication result = Authentication provider Authentication (request); SecurityContextHolder.getContext (). SetAuthentication (results); UserDetails userDetails = null; Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext (). GetAuthentication (); If (Anonymous (anonymous attribution token of the context)) {userDetails = (UserDetails) SecurityContextHolder.getContext (). GetAuthentication (). GetPrincipal (); User user = (user) userDetails; For collection & lt;? Grant provides authorization & gt; Ga = userDetails.getAuthorities (); Http session session = request.getSession (true); Session.setAttribute (SESSION_ATTRIB_USER, user); Return getJsonSuccessData (user); } And {return getJsonErrorMsg (ar.getMsg ()); }}  

OK, I really do not know how you can reference your reference However, I will paste here a Java based configuration that I am using:

  import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor; Import org.springframework.context.annotation.AdviceMode; Import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; Import org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration; Import org.springframework.core.annotation.Order; Import; Import; Import; Import; @Configuration @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity (prePostEnabled = true) Public class GlobalMethodSecurityCtxConfiguration extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration {}  

If you are using XML based configuration, simply add it to your configuration by using
