php - Odd $_SERVER values over ssl -

I am facing a strange problem that makes me wrong after calling back a secure (https: //) Getting a string string value from a secure payment gateway to my site on the page. Apache / 2.4.9 (UNIX) [REQUEST_URI] = & gt; / Sign

  array ([SERVER_SOFTWARE] = & gt; Here the content of  is the $ _ server  variable -up / gfsagepay_return = bGVhZF9pZD0yMDE5Jmhh2g9ZWZlNWI3ZmIxNjVhNDVkZmIzMDY2ODBiMzcwOThhZjY [path] = & gt; / usr / local / bin: / usr / bin: / bin [REDIRECT_STATUS] = & gt; 200 [UNIQUE_ID] = & gt; VE50xX8AAAEAABWSAuMAAAAh [HTTPS] = & gt; on [SCRIPT_URL] = & gt; / Sign -up / [SCRIPT_URI] => [HTTP_HOST] => [HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL] => Maximum Age = 0] [http://www.exe- Intel Mac OS X 10_10_0) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Lizard) Chrome / 38.0.2125.104 Safari / 537 .36 [HTTP_REFERER] = & gt; {08D220FE-1BD0-0B60-4670-A359B31465B4} [HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING] = & gt; gzip, remove air, Sdch [h tTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] = & gt; N-US, N. Q = 0.8 [HTTP_COOKIE] = & gt; WP-setting -5 = Editor% 3Dtinymce% 26libraryContent% 3Dbrowse; WP-settings time = 5 1413364146; Wordpress_test_cookie = WP + cookie + check; wordpress_logged_in_0293e473decb4ad0ae4f16569dce74a6 = Matt% 7C1414580241% 7Ccc0bdf718d4ab94b2cd21206b75ed52a; _gat = 1; K4ATBCookie380b0a7e-5814-4897-A7ld-A720dca390b7_kuk_visitorid = D40f8cd2-Bda27-4c2l-A2bd-83dab0637710; C4ATBCookie380b0a7e-5814-4897-a71d-e720dca390b7_Cook_DTS = 27 / Oct / 14% 2016% 3A32% 3A57; K4ATBCookie380b0a7e-5814-4897-A7ld-A720dca390b7_kuk_srverguid = 5B1C1DCB-07EA-45E1-91C7-Bdak96AF8EE98; C4ATBCookie380b0a7e-5814-4897-a71d-e720dca390b7_Cook_Visits = 6; C4ATBCookie380b0a7e-5814-4897-a71d-e720dca390b7_Cook_ExtSets = 27 / October / 14% 2016% 3A32% 3A57% 7Chttps% 3 A // 7Chttps% 3 A // 7Crue% 7CTrue% 7CFalse% 7CTrue% 7CTrue% 7C5% 7C10% 7C20% 7CTrue% 7CTrue% 7CFalse% 7C30; _ga = GA1.3.1269087434.1413364095; C4ATBCookie380b0a7e-5814-4897-a71d-e720dca390b7C4ATBTestP = Y [HTTP_X_PROTO] = & gt; SSL [HTTP_CONNECTION] = & gt; Closed [SERVER_SIGNATURE] = & gt; & Lt; Address & gt; Apache / 2.4.9 (Unix) Server Port 80 & lt; / Address & gt; [SERVER_NAME] = & gt; [SERVER_ADDR] = & gt; [SERVER_PORT] = & gt; 80 [REMOTE_ADDR] = & gt; [DOCUMENT_ROOT] = & gt; /home/sites/ [REQUEST_SCHEME] = & gt; Http [CONTEXT_PREFIX] = & gt; [CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT] = & gt; /home/sites/ [SERVER_ADMIN] = & gt; Root @ Localhost [SCRIPT_FILENAME] = & gt; /home/sites/ [REMOTE_PORT] => 34353 [REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING] = & gt; / Sign-up / [REDIRECT_URL] = & gt; / Sign-up / [GATEWAY_INTERFACE] = & gt; CGI / 1.1 [SERVER_PROTOCOL] = & gt; HTTP / 1.1 [REQUEST_METHOD] = & gt; [QUERY_STRING] = & gt; Get / sign-up / [SCRIPT_NAME] = & gt; /index.php [PHP_SELF] = & gt; /index.php [REQUEST_TIME] = & gt; 1414427845) Expect to be  QUERY_STRING : 

  gfsagepay_return = bgVhZF9pZD0mM02mhhc2g9ZWZlNWI3ZmIxNjVhNDVkZmIzMDY2ODBiMzcwOThhZjY  

But instead it is: Content of

  / sign-up /  

$ _ GET This strangeity Confirm:

  array ([/ sign-up /] = & gt;)  

I'm surprised that REQUEST_SCHEME Value is http and https , although I have read that it is not always reliable.

Does this look like an SSL misconfiguration, or something else is affecting my script?



For the PS reference, the .htaccess file looks like this:

Rewrite / rewrite the link on the riverbase% {ENV: HTTPS}! [NC] rewriting ^ ^. () * $ Https: // www $ 1 [R, L] Revarked% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D RectitRule ^ (. *) $ Index.php? / $ 1 [PT, L] Option -Inx
