I have a web service that is executable with the gradle jettyRun function if I run it < Em> localhost: 8080 I want to run it on a specific IP address and port number. My current build.gradle is as follows:
Apply the plugin: Apply the 'Java' plugin: Apply the 'Eclipse' plugin: Apply 'war' plugin: 'JT' JTRun {reload = "Automated" ScanIntervalSeconds = 10}
Other dependencies have been removed I know that I do not know syntax. How to configure host and port
"post-text" itemprop = "text">
What do you want:
// Apply other plugins plugin: 'Jetty' http port = 9000 jettron {reload = "automatic" scan intellasecond = 10}
As far as I know the host Not configurable - you can do this now and it depends on OS specific configuration if it is available from other hosts.
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