c - OpenGL Projection, View and World matrices -

I have a question about OpenGL projection, views and model matrix. Easily manipulate matrix content in DirectX 9 and then implement it using SetTransform .

I looked at MSDN OpenGL Glodod Matrix F , but it only changes the existing matrix which I can change with glMatrixMode .

This function provides an argument with 3 options: GL_MODELVIEW , GL_PROJECTION and GL_TEXTURE . But this problem is how can I modify the matrix?

In DirectX 9 I can use SetTransform and one of these: D3DTS_WORLD (macro), D3DTS_VIEW and D3DTS_PROJECTION and set the matrix for them.

GL_MODELVIEW matrix is ​​exactly his name; See a combination of models and matrix. Usually, you first apply your visual changes, then for each model, you push a matrix, apply model conversion, drag the model, pop the matrix.

If you use shaders, however, (and without the compatibility profile in OpenGL 3.1+), you want you to use uniforms to move the matrix to the shaders , Split the model and see the matrix if you want.
