objective c - Import LocalAuthentication.framework crashes on iPhone5s with iOS 7.1 -

This question has been asked before, but the selected answers and comments do not solve the problem. That's why I am asking it again and asking to keep it simple.

I have an app in which the Touch ID is being used, it works fine on all devices except the iPhone 5S with iOS 7.1.

To see this thing.

  1. Create a new Xcode project.
  2. Localization Confirmation Framework
  3. Check that the app crashes immediately with iOS 7.1 in iPhone 7.1.
  4. Mark local attestation as optional but it still crashes on that specific device.
  5. Note: I have also set NO to Link Framework in Build Settings. Then I had to manually add the app to the " UIKit " setting. Apart from this, I did nothing.

    Enter image details here

    I also tried the same thing with apples, it is also the same Crash Log

    Crash Log:

      dyld: Symbol not found: referenced by _objc_isAuto: expected in / system / library / framework / corefoundation .framework / Versions / A / CoreFoundation : / App / xodod / content / developer / platforms / iphone simulators . Platform / Developer / SDK / iPhone Simulator 7.1.sdk / usr / lib / libobjc.A.dylib / System / Library / Frameworks / Core Foundation. Framework / Version / A / Core Foundation  

    Please give some suggestions.
