linux - Changing Pecl installation directory -

Hello I'm having trouble with pecl installation, I'm setting up the problem I'm having, and I'm now using PECL In the phase of establishment of the Expedition.

This command should be a simple to run:

  install $ sudo pecl gearman  

The installation was successful and I PHP

  & lt; Php echo could test "Gearman version:" Gearman_version () PHP_EOL; ? & Gt;  

Executed in CLI php by using it:

  $ php gearman_version.php  

move. Unfortunately I'm using a stack. To be accurate, I have a separate PHP in my lapstack setting:


And is installed in:

  / usr / lib / php5 / 20121212 /  

Which, ideally, should be contained in

  /home/userName/lappstack-5.4.34-0 / php / lib / php / extensions / gearm  

Like all my other extensions.

The result of an application which is not actually capable of using the Gearman extension And that php.ini is being pointed out, to actually use the gearman, these are:

  / etc / php5 / cli  


"post-text" itemprop = "text">

You can see the directory configured with $ pear


To change directories, such as php_dir , use config-set :

  $ pear config-set php_dir / Path / to / foo  
