caching - Laravel Class 'Memcached' not found Illuminate\Cache\MemcachedConnector.php line 44 -

I have cloned my GIT repo with bit butt on my computer to refresh my site directory, and a musician Tried to install / update

I am facing now:

  {"error": {"type": "Symphony \\ component \ \" "Debug \\ exception \\ FatalErrorException", "message": "class' mamicatch 'not found'," file ":" \ / user / ad \ sites \ metinet_api \ vendor / laravel \ / framework \ / Lighten / cache / Memcatch Connector PHP "," Line ": 44}} The PHP PHP Artist was working with a clear-compiled update  

with post-updates- Fresh clones, and caching with tags ( Memcatch) has been hard-coded in my application, so it will not be ideal to use a different driver.

I am using OS X machine.

Can anybody recommend solutions? Many thanks, ed

class memacatch is not a larval class - this is a PHP class installed in your OS X machine PHP Memcached extension is not installed (with a memcached backing with server) And you would love to go.

If you are not doing this for yourself, then always believe in me a modern PHP developer will need to get most of the stuff on OS X You run your stack locally You can also consider leaving the area and set up (run locally on your chosen Nux VM).
