Using HTTP for REST API: automatically cacheable? -

I have been thinking, to satisfy the 6 architectural barriers below to create "Ristibl API"

is it safe when you're building a REST API over HTTP protocol, "cachable" constraint is automatically satisfied? Because HTTP already provides a cash system "Out-the-The-Box" via HTTP Headers:

So there is no need to worry about it?

Maybe looks like a stupid question, but I want to be sure. : -)

Kind regards!


Let me slightly extended on the challenges of creating the caching logic: Generally, API backend database In which there is little information of all kinds. Normal presentation within a REST API can be a stored view (hence, a user's activity log, which contains a list of end user operations within a portal, some with those lines). Now, to know if your API URL / user / 123 / activity has changed (the client is sending you in the "if-modified-after-later" heading), you will need to see if after any final request Additional activities can be similar to bringing the overhead back to the result, so in many cases, people really do not bother, which is a shame, because the web app of the proper caching Can be very big impact on philosophy.

Perhaps this gives a bit more information, January
