c# - I can only get one value out of ODReader -

So I have created an auditor that executes a query where I get some values ​​from the table, however when I get this data I try to show in an amboxa (only temporary) I can only show the first value and as soon as I try to get a second set of values, it does not give me this error object reference to set an object instance .

The code is as follows

  Public Zero Belgrade Grow () {List & lt; Int & gt; Groepresrace = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); OraclePamator [] Beyond = New OracleParamator [10]; // Mate Flexibel version Gematour Oracle data reader oDRDER = DBC connection Select (select "GROEPRESERVERING_ID, BETAlad for gratifying", bettal); ODReader.Read (); (Int x = 0; x & lt; 2; x ++) for {message box. Show (ODReader ["GROEPRESERVERING_ID"]. ToString ()); MessageBox.Show (ODReader ["BETAALD"] ToString ().); ODReader.NextResult (); }}  

Now my qeuistion is how can I show each set of valaces instead of the first time?

ODReader.NextResult (); will return the next "result set" to your query, in your query you have just one single SELECT statement, so that you will end up with a result set. Since there is no other result set, when you try to reach ODReader ["GROEPRESERVERING_ID"], ToString () gets an empty reference exception.

What you should do, get the next line from your results set. Use

ODReader.Read (); to reinvent the next result set. If you want to restrict two rows only by using the result set yourself:

  OracleDataReader ODReader = DBConnection.Select ("Select GrEPRESERVERING_ID, BetaEld from GROEPRESERVERING", Bettold); Int counter = 0; While (ODReader.Read () & amp; amp; Counter & amp; 2) {MessageBox.Show (ODReader ["GROEPRESERVERING_ID"]. ToString ()); MessageBox.Show (ODReader ["BETAALD"] ToString ().); Counter ++; }  
