I am trying to implement a different method, I can easily do it for the CEC, but the courageous Being a partner, I want to try a bit more normal to do something transassable once [_]] (XS: M [A]) (F: A => B) (Underlying CBF: AF, A , B, M [_] & lt: CanBuildFrom [M], A, M [A]]: M [A] = {val saw = mutable.Set.Published [B] Well Builder = CBF For (x <- xs) {val K = f (x) Gar! (Seen blanket (k)) {saw + = k builder + = x}} builder.result ()} Here is basic intuition, I do a kind map and Instead of the similarities defined on the elements of the original collection, I keep a track of a group of those people, so I can take a different set of Tuples compared to the left element or right.
Let me compile it Can not get it, even if I can switch to using the bus , Because it does not seem that there is one of the methods defined on the traversal in XS, even if there are sub-types of relationships, I am obviously missing something very primarily here, and grateful for any help Will be sung.
You might want to M [X] <: Traversable once [X] The compulsion to be
is special, and with your current signature you only know that M [A] <: traversable once [_]
, while you want < Code> M [A] & lt;: Traversable once [A] .
You are missing a closed brace, which can be important.
What is the exact compilation error you are receiving?
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