ios - applyImpulse on CCSprite not making realistic moves, need to speed up the sprite moves -

I am developing a jump game when the screen is tapped, I need to jump over the player so , I use the following code.

[_ player.physicsBody applyImpulse: CCP (0, player.physicsBody.mass * 155)];

The method in contact.

Code for CCSprite * _player

  _player = [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed: @ "Assets.atlas / Player.png"]; [_player set status: CCP (160.0F, 210.0F)]; _player.zOrder = 99; _player.physicsBody = [With sycophysics body body: (CGRact) {CGPointZero, _player.contentSize} Corner: 0]; // 1 _player.physicsBody.collisionGroup = @ "Players Group"; // 2 _player.physicsBody.collisionType = @ "" player "; // [_ Physical World Add Build: _player]; [_foreground addChild: _player];  

This code indicates that The player is setup with the physics body and some have been added to the forest landscape. This is an Implulse method written in contact with the problem. When it creates the player to jump, the player jumps slowly, I want to sharpen the extent, like jump hulks, start fast and How can we manage it without the use of animations? Because I will not allow the use of the applied elegant animation, I think.

Please give me a topic, any suggestions, hints, anything Which can I use?
