I have experimented with elliptic curve method for integer factoring (using lanstros elliptic curve method as a method) using Montgomery Cues The only idea, just a bit, works with the Montogomi curves). However, I'm not really able to get any examples of the numbers using the method, and I really want to be able to test it on the numbers that I should know, as a result, to check that Does this work do it? So my question is, does anyone have an example of the method used at numbers, so that I can see if my code gives the same output using the same numbers?
you get Emerson number M (677) = 2 ^ 677-1 = 1 943118631 * 531132717139346021081 * 978146583988637765536217 * P53 * P98 might like to factor it. P 53 can be found by elliptic curve factorial with B1 = 9 000000, B2 = 16000000, and lucky curve sigma = 868 9346476060549. You can enjoy it, which gives solution to that difference, and if you want you can get a bunch of other high-end goods to strike around.
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